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传送门骑士中文版 v0.8.0








 英文名称:Portal Knights
 游戏制作:505 Games
 游戏发行:505 Games


 传送门骑士Portal Knights是由505 Games制作发行的一款沙盒类RPG游戏,本作虽然含有大量的建造元素,但游戏的重点却放在RPG内容上,给人的感觉就像是《我的世界》和《龙与地下城》的合体作品,喜欢这种类型游戏的玩家快来尝试吧,一定不会让你失望的。




 Portal Knights Update – v 0.8.0
 传送门骑士更新–V 0.8.0
 - The Spring Event is available now with lots of new items, enemies and quests.
 - A new enemy invasion event has been added.
 - The whole talent tree for all three classes has been reworked. Lots of new talents have been added. Talents have visual and sound effects now. All players need to choose their talents anew due to this change.
 - Warriors can craft throwing axes now.
 - The Arcane Mirror has been added to the game. It allows fast travel between the home island and the last island the player was on.
 - Most weapons and armour sets now have level and/or class requirements. Players who don’t fulfill these requirements will not be able to use these items effectively.
 - Text-chat has a history now.
 - Added support for Thai and Czech.

 - Damage types have been reworked. Enemies and equipment will now clearly display their damage type (if they have one). Some damage types have been renamed.
 - The order in which Electro Quartz and Flame Ruby appear in the world and in crafting stations has been switched.
 - The names of many items and places have been updated. Also, some items have a more detailed description now.
 - The quest texts in the HUD have been reworked to reduce visual clutter.
 - Area-based quests are only displayed when the player is in the corresponding area now. When there are several quests open, the nearest area determines which quest is displayed.
 - Bomb recipes have been moved to the Archery crafting station. Enemies now always drop bombs rather than recipes.
 - Throwing weapons are consumed now when being used.
 - Backpack space has been increased to 40 slots now. Chests also have more slots now.
 - A new redistributable has been added to the installation process. This has been applied in the last couple of days already.
 - Loot stays in the islands longer before de-spawning.

 - A crash when fighting the bosses has been fixed.
 - Plants grow correctly now when the player is in the game but on a different island.
 - Several crashes that occurred randomly were fixed.
 - Several areas of the game have been tweaked to improve the general performance.
 - The tutorial texts refer to the controller buttons correctly now.
 - Pets no longer move erratically when the player is idling.
 - Monkey priests don’t show the curse when outside of the Tomb of C’Thiris event island anymore.
 - Achievements have been fixed.
 - The loot log doesn't show incorrect items anymore.
 - Continuously scrolling when opening a menu with a controller should no longer occur.

 Known Issues











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