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狼人杀英文版经典套路 中英文对照版




1. 三狼上警 three werewolves run for the sheriff 
Under normal circumstances, the people that run for the sheriff usually contains at least one speical villager and one werewolf. The other werewolves can vote below the line. However if three werewolves run for the sheriff, they will make people confused and believe that there must be a special villager among them. The left werewolf can lead good people to vote for the most trusted one.


2. 自刀骗药 kill one werewolf during the night to defraud the witch's potion 
Sometimes the werewolves will kill one of them to defraud the Witch's potion. Also the Witch will believe that the dead man has good identity.


3. 警徽流 a good use of the police badge 
With the good use of the police badge, the Seer can let the villagers know more information. If the Seer was killed last night, he can't talk this morning. However he can left the badge to the good people that he checked last night, so the villagers can trust the new sheriff. If the Seer destroy the badge, then the villagers will understand the people he checked yesterday is a werewolf.


4. 狼踩狼(匪踩匪)lynch your fellow werewolf 
If you're a werewolf, you want to seem like you don't have any trust in your fellow werewolves. If people notice you acting as a group, you'll all be hanging from the trees. Sometimes the werewolves use this kind of strategy: Sacrifice one werewolf to keep more werewolves alive.


5. 不杀预言家 not killing the Seer 
Pretend to be the Seer and not to kill the real one not only can make good people confused but also lead them down to a wild goose. The idea is, nobody knows if the person who says they're the seer really is the seer. So if nobody kills the alleged Seer, then they probably weren't really the Seer, but rather a werewolf. 
